Playlist-gen program


This program is a utility to enable a playlist to be generated for a Samsung MSC audio USB stick. It has only been tested with a YP-U6 device, but should work with any Samsung MSC sticks which accept playlists in Samsung SPL format and keep their playlist files on their filesystem in a playlist directory named "Playlists". It has only been tested on linux, but should work on any POSIX-like operating system.

This program is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 of that license or, at your option, any later version.

Download and requirements

The program can be obtained here: Download playlist-gen-0.0.4.tar.gz

This program requires GTK+-2 >= 2.20.0 or any version of GTK+-3, glib >= 2.16, c++-gtk-utils-2.2 >= 2.1.0 and taglib. If using gcc, it requires gcc >= 4.6.0. gtk+ and taglib are probably already provided by your distribution (confusingly, on debian/ubuntu it goes by the name of libtag1/libtag1-dev). c++-gtk-utils-2.2 can be obtained from c++-gtk-utils.

See the ChangeLog for further information about releases.


The program (playlist-gen) should normally be started via the provided script. That script should specify the mount point of the stick as an environmental variable 'SAMSUNG_MOUNT_POINT', as the mount point varies between distributions when sticks are automounted. You can normally find out what that is by executing 'mount' in a console after it has been plugged in for the first time ('mount' executed without any arguments will report all mount points currently mounted). Both playlist-gen and are installed by 'make install'.

The USB stick should be plugged into the computer and mounted before the program is started. It should be noted that the program does not disconnect or unmount the USB stick from the user's computer's file system when the program is closed. The user must do that herself, using the tool provided by the desktop's file manager (such as nautilus or dolphin) before the stick is physically removed from the computer. Nor does this program mount the stick when it is plugged into the computer. It is for the desktop's automounter to do that.

By default, the playlist created by the program has the name 'UserPlaylist', but another name can be passed as the environmental variable 'SAMSUNG_CUSTOM_PLAYLIST' if wanted: the name provided must be in valid UTF-8 encoding. The playlist file itself is stored in the stick's 'Playlists' directory, and the files which are added to the playlist are copied by the program from the user's computer into a special directory on the USB stick with the same name as the playlist but with the suffix 'Files', so by default this directory is named 'UserPlaylistFiles'

The program also maintains a trash directory in the user's home directory, comprising the name of the home directory plus the playlist name with the suffix '-PlaylistGenTrash', so by default the trash directory is ~/UserPlaylist-PlaylistGenTrash. The trash directory can be emptied by hand when wanted, or from the program itself.